Beginning in 1984, Soft-C Entertainment (stylized as Soft-C or Softc, depending on the era) was a video game studio focusing on the home console and handheld market. After co-founder Mark Wiederburg acquired a developer edition of the Famicom in late 1983, having heard rumors of an upcoming North America and Europe launch, he contacted potential investors and filed for incorporation. His hope was to have a full catalogue of games ready on day one for the Nintendo Entertainment System, and while his team struggled to meet this goal (only having two titles available on launch day), Soft-C Entertainment's early start in the standardized home console market gave them a significant advantage over American competition and established them as a mainstay of the game development industry for decades.
This page has been established by the Soft-C Restoration Project and was constructed from screengrabs of the now-defunct original site. Archival copies and ROMs of Soft-C games will be uploaded here when they are found.
Soft-C Entertainment is a fictitious organization. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, places, or events is intended or should be inferred.